Act of Information Sharing and Privacy

Contact Point Database

The term “contact point database” can hold two very different meanings. Understanding the context is crucial when discussing this topic. In this article, we’ll delve into both Act of Information  : a business-oriented contact management system and a government database for child protection (now defunct).

The Business Contact Point Database: A Communication Powerhouse

In the realm of business, a contact point database is a digital hub for storing and managing vital information about your professional network. This centralized system acts as a well-organized address book on steroids, offering a plethora of benefits:

  • Streamlined Communication: Eliminate the frantic search for lost emails or outdated contact details. Find any contact information you need instantly, ensuring you always have the right way to reach the right person.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Share contact information seamlessly within your team. Everyone has access to the latest
  • Relationship Building: Personalize your interactions by referencing past interactions and key details stored in the database. This helps build stronger relationships with clients, partners, and vendors.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Gain valuable insights into your network. Identify key players, prioritize communication efforts, and leverage data to make informed business decisions.

Choosing the Right Business Contact Point Database

With a variety of contact management solutions available, selecting the ideal one is crucial. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Scalability: Ensure the database can Create the landing page so that it contains alongside your organization, accommodating an expanding contact network.
  • Security: Robust security features are essential to protect sensitive contact information.
  • Accessibility: Choose a solution accessible from any device, allowing your team to stay connected and manage contacts on the go.
  • Integration: Consider how the database integrates with your existing CRM or communication tools for a seamless workflow.

The Defunct ContactPoint Database: A Lesson in Privacy

In the past, “ContactPoint” also referred to a government database in England. This database aimed to improve child protection by allowing professionals working with children (teachers, social workers, etc.) to share information. However, concerns around privacy and data security led to its shutdown in 2010.

The ContactPoint case highlights the importance of Painting lead generation service a balance between information sharing and individual privacy, particularly when dealing with sensitive data.


Understanding the two distinct meanings of “contact point database” is crucial. For businesses, a contact management system offers numerous advantages, while the defunct ContactPoint database serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible data practices.

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