How to Create Blog in Steps

Many of you may ask, how do you create a blog? Webmasters often get such questions. If you are also one of those people who are looking for ways to create a blog, then you are in the right place. In this article, we will try to explain properly how to create a blog and what methods can be used to create a blog. At this time practically everyone should have a blog. Whether it’s a simple online business, a small online store, or even a personal blog. All of that can be poured in the form of a website or blog. Meanwhile, on the other hand blogging or doing activities related to blogging there are several benefits.

How to Create a Blog By Choosing the Right Niche

If you want to run a project or business, then you Oman Phone Number List have to create a blog that contains services, products and also company goals. People will be interested in knowing more about your vision and mission and the services you offer. It’s the same with niches. Choosing a niche or target market for your blog cannot be done carelessly and in a hurry. Slowly. You have to do research first. Not only that, you also have to do some comparisons. With in-depth research and detailed comparisons, you will easily find the right niche for your blog.

Enable Blogging Platforms Register Domains


Joomla is an open-source platform that is also EO Leads widely used by many blogs on the Internet. Even this platform is also known as one of the biggest rivals to WordPress. Just like WordPress, to activate this CMS, you don’t need to master complicated programming languages ​​so the installation process is also very fast.

There are even some users who say that publishing content on Joomla is easier compared to other platforms. Besides being suitable for beginners, intuitive dashboard and multi-language, Joomla also has its drawbacks. Among other things, it is less flexible when compared to WordPress or Drupal. Apart from that, this CMS security system has had problems. This makes many people fear that their data will be compromised when using Joomla.

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