12 Reasons to Internationalize an SME with Digital Marketing?

Yes, internationalizing an SME with digital marketing is easier than ever, and the global, digitalized market could well be the business opportunity of a lifetime for any Portuguese company. The days of spending huge marketing budgets on trade shows and advertising around the world are over .

World_in_your_hands.jpgNot because these trade fairs are over or because TV channels and advertising agencies don’t want to sell, but simply because they no longer work. Purchasing behavior has changed and digital has outsmarted traditional.

Why Internationalize SMEs with Digital Marketing

The driving forces of any SME to initiate Chile Mobile Number List or explore export activities are the need for the firm to utilize and develop its resources in order to sustain its objectives. Consequently, the motivations are strongly linked not only to the basic objectives of the firm but also to the strategy employed in international marketing .

In other words, there are some fundamental reasons for a company to expand into the international market :

reach more customers,
Increase the sales
and maximize profit.
In other words, Grow !

What entrepreneur doesn’t think about growing, doesn’t dream about expansion, internationalization, gaining customers for their business all over the world, and exporting like crazy?

Below are 12 reasons why you might want to export and seek digital marketing results . If you tick many of these boxes for your business, then internationalization may be your next step.

See which of these reasons for internationalization apply to your company (Albaum et al., 1994)?

Phone Number List

Internationalization: Proactive reasons

Profit and Arabia Whatsapp Number growth objectives
Strong management impetus
Technological competence / unique product
Opportunities in Foreign Markets / Market Information
Scale economy
Tax benefits
Internationalization: Reactive Motives
Competitive pressures
Small and saturated domestic market
Unsolicited international orders
Expand sales of seasonal products
Proximity to international customers / psychological distance
The more positive responses you get, the more motivated you are to succeed in the area of ​​global marketing and international inbound marketing .

SMEs that are born global
It may be that your business was born as a global business.

A company born for the global market is a company that was born and, from the beginning, quickly globalized, without following the conventional process from the domestic market to the international market.

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