How to Make a Phpinfo Script to Be Applied to Websites

How to make a phpinfo script will make it easy for you to run the right configuration on your website server. Of course, there are several parameters that you must fulfill first. One of them is that you need at least a PHP version of 5.2.4 to be able to do it properly. Some PHP settings that you should have depending on the server you have. By taking advantage of all of that, it is certain that you will be able to get and achieve more benefits in it. You will also be able to get this in a significant and appropriate way. By understanding how to make the phpinfo script, you will be able to apply it properly to the website that you have on it. The existence of these benefits will immediately give you everything you need in it.

What If Hosting Doesn’t Provide These Features

You can still do how to make a phpinfo script Canada Phone Number List even though the domain hosting service you are using does not provide the features available in the first option. You don’t need to worry and worry because now you can do everything easily. This file is what you will later use or use to access the PHP web browser itself.

The guide on how to create a phpinfo script is as follows. In this case, you will use the files on your personal computer. So no longer using ice the first method above. You can do this easily and later you can do it by accessing the hosting account control panel. Then, please select File Manager – Create New File. Usually it will be available as New File Name. Here, after finding it, type phpinfo.php which is in the column in the second number.

How To Check PHP Information In The Browser


The stage for how to make a phpinfo script is still EO Leads not finished, you also have to follow the tutorial to check information about php in your browser. You can do this method if you have previously created a php file in the public_html directory. The file is named phpinfo.php as described above. Try to enter your domain name then end with phpinfo.php.  enter the next stage, namely by pressing the Save Changes option in it to get everything you need in it. If you have implemented these steps, now you can start the editing process. You can use an FTP application to make it easier for you. What needs to be emphasized here is to use a text editor file to create a file called phpinfo.php on your computer. Then input the code mentioned above as well.

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