Customer service in a new world

The pandemic changed the way organizations interact with their customers. Culture of immediacy, digitalization and redefinition of processes are the order of the day. To find out how to face this new challenge in our companies, i interviewed gabriel vallejo lópez , international customer service expert and author of customer service in a new world . In this, his fifth book, he explains in a practical way supported by multiple studies, what we can learn from eight strategic sectors of the economy for our own businesses. Topics covered in the interview: [1:15] “we are still human beings in search of empathy”, is that why we value good service so much, are we looking for empathy? [4:50] you mention the case of a construction company that improved greatly in customer service by substantially improving its processes. Are processes often the bottleneck to the customer experience? 

Insurance through digital channels

In insurance, you can now buy . How does that change the role of business advisors now if people buy it directly? disproportionate increase in network traffic, system collapse. (1) how to sustain the service level when capacity is overflowing? It happens executive email list on the internet, it happens in clinics, on public transportation, etc. [16:40] culture of immediacy, has it become transversal in all industries? It is said that the employee must experience the product or service of his company in order to be able to experience it and sell it. In hotels, let the employee spend a weekend enjoying the stay so that he can talk about it. Do you think that the concept of “testing” the product applies to any company? 

Hidden kitchens or dark kitchens

Avery interesting concept that you mention . Could this apply to other sectors to reduce costs? Rethink the way to make part of the process more efficient? [24:50] “customer service is built with the client, with their experience, with their observations, with their complaints.” how are we as companies to listen and do something about it? [29:00] you quote a representative EO Leads of a land transportation company: “we cannot continue selling en masse; “everyone wants to travel, but each one has different reasons, we need to segment better.” would better segmentation in our companies improve our customers’ experience? [31:57] “digitalization, yes; substitution, no”, what does this mean?

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